Saturday, August 11, 2007

just ducky

I had a great vacation for a couple of days this summer. A friend invited me to share the house she uses in the summer in Falmoth. It is one of those houses on a small lake. Every morning I was there I walked down and had coffee sitting on the dock. It had all the lake things, lily pads, dragon and damsel flys and ducks.

I noticed the ducks because they noticed me. It became apparent that this was a mother and her two offspring even though they were the same size. The mom turned her head sideways and looked me over several times over the next few days. I was talking to her so I suppose she had a good reason to view me with suspicion.

Anyway. Watched the ducks swim in this near idyllic setting musing that it must be great to be a duck of course I immediately remembered the honking long flight or dealing with winter outdoors. On second thought no thanks. But then it occured to me a thought that has nagged at me ever since.

EVERY DUCK LIVES THE SAME WAY. Not only every duck, but every insect, rabbit, mouse, monkey, fish. . .you get the idea. No speicies has a small portion living in lavish splendor and the rest varying down to squalor. Until humane humans. In fact the reality of squalor is a human invention. There are no ducklings living in squalor. There are no bear cubs that will have an advantage of nutrition, family, shelter and education over other cubs.

How did a home one of the basic necessities of life become an investment opportunity? Why is the cost of a home to the point of absurd. This has created generations of people who will never own their own home. The landlord is not creating a product or providing a service, he is culling his tenants paycheck. His investment grows and the tenant will never see anything from the rent. Again the only results of the trickle down is that all the people on the bottom get is pissed on.


Nanette said...

hey ducky,

i hear your pain. If I could pay my payment each month would be $400. My private loan is already more than double of what it started out as. I have written Congress at least 200 times about this. Carolyn Maloney, my Congress person from NYC has this bastard, Mr. Wolf, who hung up on me – he said he didn’t serve me. I said, who the hell do you think you are – you’re damn right you serve me. Every email I send Maloney comes back now, so I made a flyer and sent it to her Washington DC office and I wrote Peter King of Long Island and told him what his fellow Congress people are like.

It doesn’t need to be this way. This country is killing us. And the Congress made these laws because what do they care – their kids get college paid for by them and their big salaries and that Congress takes bribes from Sallie Mae.

I don’t even have a job and the odds of me getting one in this affirmative action, illegal alien rampant NYC is zero. And then there’s age discrimination too.

I hate my country for what they are doing. I filed for bankruptcy and the guy ahead of me got $100,000 worth of gambling debts wiped out, but I have to suffer for the rest of my life, living underground. I wouldn’t even have $100,000 to gamble in the first place.

Fuck America and Fuck this Congress.

dzyns said...

amen sista friend